Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April Fun at the Hansen's

Playing marshmallow guns with Grandpa was a big hit with Bryson. He could actually make the mallows come out! Course his favorite thing was eating them.
Grandpa invited Mason and Easton over for an afternoon of playing Heman during Easter break.
Now that was fun to watch, all the sounds that were made cracked me up. I had to stay in the other room so they couldn't hear me laugh. Some kids never grow up if you know what I mean.
It's a little late to be showing off the eggs done with silk ties, but here they are just for you Jamie.
It was fun trying something new!!!!!
This one was done with a polka dot tie.
And here's all "6" eggs that we colored for Easter. April is going fast and we have a couple more busy weeks ahead. The Fitness Festival 10K and 5K , Mason's baptism, and lots of birthdays, not to mention Taran and Michelle's graduation..........watch for more in May!!!!!


Hansen's Fantastic Five! said...

MARIE!!! GREAT JOB!!! What a great post here! And what a delightful surprise to have a comment from you on my blog! I loved seeing all your eggs. They turned out great! Well i'll be looking forward to seeing more pics from upcoming events! Keep up the great blogging!!!! LOve it!

Hansen's Fantastic Five! said...

Oh and I see you changed your backround...cute cute!

MinDee said...

looks cute! keep up the blogging, it'll help with the typing practice too ;) you weren't that bad! thanks again for watching the kids for us on our anniversary. we sure appreciated it. love you guys!